Better Future Immigration Consultants

What is an Immigration Services Company and who are the clients?

The Canadian companies providing immigration services, help individuals or families across the world who are looking for immigrating to Canada, find a legal and reliable way to do so. The audiences of these companies usually are non-Canadian people knowing English as a second language. Although they may also have Canadian clients who are seeking skilled employees or caregivers among non-Canadians.

Overall concept of the page design

The website is going to have three pages named home, About and Contact. In the home page, I am going to put a picture of a Canadian attraction in the top of the page. I also will add the navigation bar on top of the header for more readability and beauty. Then I will add a couple of paragraphs containing general information about the company and/or the immigration process. As a separate section, I am going to add a multi-column grid to show the different types of services offered by the company by using relevant pictures with a kind of hover effect of transpancy. At the bottom of the home page, there will be a footer. I'm going to insert a google map of the location of the company. The footer also contains the copyright and contact info of the company.

Home page layout

You can see an overall layout of the home page as follows.

Navigation Bar





Company Introduction



Our Services
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Website Metaphore

Immigration could be a very important decision in someone's life. So a sence of decision making and exploring new places and culture will be the main idea in the designing process.


I am going to use "Monsterrat" font for headings and navigation bar and "Roboto" for other text inside the paragraphs. The reason for choosing "Monsterrat" is that it looks "official" so it is suitable for the nature of animmigration office. "Roboto" goes well with "Monsterrat" and well readable.


Because it is about Canada, I am going to use red for some text or headings. A white background and the maple leaf as the metaphore for the website.


I will add a picture of the attractions of Canada in the header and a company logo. Images releavnt to different types of services of the company. For example a picture of a happy student for the "student visa" service.